If you are securing a loan to purchase a home, your lender will provide a Fees Estimate initially and later a Good Faith Estimate. Fees vary widely depending on your lender, and as such, are impossible for me to accurately summarize without lender input.
It is slightly easier to give an estimate of closing fees to a cash buyer. They are below. Please note, fees vary depending on the title company chosen. In Lee County, it is typical that the SELLER determines the title company & pays for title insurance- this summary assumes that is the case. Of course, you can negotiate this when submitting an offer.
Recording Fees: $30
Patriot Act Name Search/Lien Search: $25-$50
Settlement Fees: 0-$495 (This varies from title company to title company)
Transaction Fee: $249
Taxes & Assessments are pro-rated based on closing date
Fees for wire transfers & FedEx shipping may apply if utilized